Crin Antonescu crede că, în acest moment, partidele politice „sunt la minimum”, iar coaliţia guvernamentală şi majoritatea parlamentară reprezintă „un minimum garantat de stabilitate”. Antonescu susține că este nevoie de un preşedinte care să „vină cu un proiect de ţară”. ”Eu cred că fiecare dintre noi, candidaţii, trebuie să venim cu un proiect de ţară, […]
The main conceptual idea from the text is that Crin Antonescu believes Romania needs a President who comes with a clear "Project of Country".
He emphasizes that this project should not only address existing issues but also propose a new vision, a new model for leadership, and a personality that can unite the nation. Antonescu argues that Romania needs a strong, open, and unifying leader in this crucial moment.
The main conceptual idea from the text is that Crin Antonescu believes Romania needs a President who comes with a clear "Project of Country". He emphasizes that this project should not only address existing issues but also propose a new vision, a new model for leadership, and a personality that can unite the nation. Antonescu argues that Romania needs a strong, open, and unifying leader in this crucial moment.